Some compliance thoughts from @Mopsicktaxlaw – Responding to #FATCA

Interesting FATCA and tax compliance post from Mr. Mopsick which includes:

For both Americans abroad and recent immigrants: Millions of people are agonizing over the question, “Should I just blow it off or do I really need to take some action?” The answer is easy: Whether you take action or not is all based on your personal tolerance level for risk and uncertainty. It is your decision to make. Many people are totally comfortable with the idea that they will never get caught violating the tax laws by not reporting foreign income and accounts or for some reason don’t care if they do get caught. This is because it is one thing for the IRS to compute a tax due and owing from a delinquent taxpayer, but the IRS is years away from routine collection in the ordinary course of delinquent taxes from Americans overseas, provided there are no periodic or regular payments like Social Security payments or pension payments leaving the US for accounts abroad.

Leaving one with the question for Americans abroad:

Is it more dangerous to be IN tax compliance or NOT in tax compliance?

Time will tell. If Mr. Mopsick is correct in his analysis, this suggests those NOT in tax compliance have time to respond to their situation and NOT react!




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